********* #!/bin/bash # Function to run SQL*Plus commands run_sql() { sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<EOF SET HEADING OFF FEEDBACK OFF VERIFY OFF ECHO OFF $1 EXIT EOF } # Get the max group, max thread, and max size from the v$log and v$logfile views redo_info=$(run_sql "SELECT MAX(l.group#), MAX(l.thread#), MAX(l.bytes/1024/1024) FROM v\$log l, v\$logfile f WHERE f.group# = l.group#;") # Extract the max group, max thread, and max size values max_group=$(echo "$redo_info" | awk '{print $1}') max_thread=$(echo "$redo_info" | awk '{print $2}') max_size=$(echo "$redo_info" | awk '{print $3}') # Get the number of redo groups per thread groups_per_thread=$(run_sql "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT group#) FROM v\$log WHERE thread#=1;") # Get the recovery file destination reco_dest=$(run_sql "SHOW PARAMETER db_recovery_file_dest") reco_dest=$(echo "$reco_dest" | awk 'NR==2 {print $3}' |...
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