Golden gate stop v1
read -p "Enter the log directory: " log_dir
if [ -z "$log_dir" ]; then
echo "Log directory not provided. Exiting."
exit 1
mkdir -p "$log_dir"
for value in $(locate setup_ogg | grep -E '/setup_ogg$'); do
source $value
cp $value $value_prepatch_bkp'$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")'
GG_HOME=$(dirname "$value")
GG_HOME_FILE=$(echo "$GG_HOME" | tr '/' '_')
cd "$GG_HOME"
echo "==cccccces === ============" > "$log_file"
echo "Executing 'info all' in $GG_HOME" >> "$log_file"
./ggsci <<EOF >> "$log_file"
STOP ER * detail
# Capture the log without the header
export ORACLE_SID=$(ps -ef | grep '[a]sm_smon.*+ASM' | awk '{print $NF}' | cut -d '_' -f3)
source oraenv <<< "$ORACLE_SID"
agctl status goldengate > goldengate_status_log.txt
# Parse and extract running instances with manager names (formatted as node: manager)
running_instances_with_manager=$(grep "is running" goldengate_status_log.txt | awk '{gsub(/'\''/, ""); print $NF ":" $3}')
# Print the formatted running instances
echo "$running_instances_with_manager"
# Log in to respective nodes and run agctl status goldengate with manager name
for instance_with_manager in $running_instances_with_manager; do
node_name=$(echo $instance_with_manager | cut -d':' -f1)
manager_name=$(echo $instance_with_manager | cut -d':' -f2)
# Logging before executing SSH command
echo "Logging into $node_name to check Goldengate status for $manager_name" >> "$log_file"
# SSH into the node and execute commands with logging
ssh -q $node_name "
export ORACLE_SID=\$(ps -ef | grep '[a]sm_smon.*+ASM' | awk '{print \$NF}' | cut -d '_' -f3)
source oraenv <<< \"\$ORACLE_SID\"
agctl status goldengate '$manager_name' >> '$log_file'
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