OEM blackout create
export ORACLE_SID=$(ps -ef | grep '[a]sm_smon.*+ASM' | awk '{print $NF}' | cut -d '_' -f3)
source oraenv <<< "$ORACLE_SID"
# Get cluster nodes
CLUSTER_NODES=$(olsnodes | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')
# Dynamic time input
read -p "Enter start time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM): " start_time
read -p "Enter duration (HH:MM): " duration
# Transform cluster nodes into required format
TARGETS=$(echo $CLUSTER_NODES | tr ',' '\n' | awk '{print $1".x.com:host;"}' | tr -d ' ')
# Set blackout name
# Set blackout reason
BLACKOUT_REASON="Database Patch/Maintenance"
# Construct the EMCLI command
emcli_cmd="/emcli create_blackout -name=\"$BLACKOUT_NAME\" -reason=\"$BLACKOUT_REASON\" -add_targets=\"$TARGETS\" -schedule=\"frequency:once;start_time:$start_time;duration:$duration;tzinfo:target;tzoffset:1\""
# Print EMCLI command
echo "Executing EMCLI command: $emcli_cmd"
# Execute the EMCLI command with error handling
if $emcli_cmd; then
echo "Blackout creation completed."
echo "Error: EMCLI command failed."
# Ensure script safety with strict error handling
set -e
# Dynamic time input
read -p "Enter cluster_name (frame_cluser): " cluster_name
read -p "Enter start time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM): " start_time
read -p "Enter duration (HH:MM): " duration
# Set blackout name dynamically
# Set blackout reason
BLACKOUT_REASON="Database Patch/Maintenance"
# Construct targets based on cluster name (assuming cluster-wide blackout)
# Construct the EMCLI command
emcli_cmd="./emcli create_blackout -name=\"$BLACKOUT_NAME\" -reason=\"$BLACKOUT_REASON\" -add_targets=\"$TARGETS\" -schedule=\"frequency:once; start_time:$start_time; duration:$duration; tzinfo:target; tzoffset:1\""
# Print EMCLI command
echo "Executing EMCLI command: $emcli_cmd"
# Execute the EMCLI command (missing in the original code)
$emcli_cmd || echo "Error: EMCLI command failed."
# Post-patching commands (replace hardcoded name with dynamic variable)
emcli_cmd_stop_blackout="./emcli stop_blackout -name=\"$BLACKOUT_NAME\""
emcli_cmd_delete_blackout="./emcli delete_blackout -name=\"$BLACKOUT_NAME\""
# Execute the post-patching commands (missing in the original code)
$emcli_cmd_stop_blackout || echo "Error: EMCLI stop_blackout command failed."
$emcli_cmd_delete_blackout || echo "Error: EMCLI delete_blackout command failed."
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