Oratab Entries validate and add
# Ask user for log directory
read -p "Enter the log directory: " log_directory
log_directory=$(realpath "$log_directory")
# Ask user for file2 (sop.conf) name
read -p "Enter the name of sop.conf file: " file2_name
# Phase 1: Generate db_unique_name_version.log
for SID in $(ps -ef | grep '[o]ra_smon' | awk '{print $NF}' | cut -d '_' -f3); do
source oraenv <<< "$SID"
# Get DB unique name and version using the first query
DB_UNIQUE_NAME_INFO=$(sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<EOF
set feedback off
set heading off
SELECT d.DB_UNIQUE_NAME || ':' || SUBSTR(i.VERSION, 1, 2) FROM v\$database d, v\$instance i;
# Get instance name and version using the second query
INSTANCE_NAME_INFO=$(sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<EOF
set feedback off
set heading off
SELECT i.INSTANCE_NAME || ':' || SUBSTR(i.VERSION, 1, 2) FROM v\$instance i;
# Append to db_unique_name_version.log without empty lines
echo "$DB_UNIQUE_NAME_INFO" | sed '/^$/d' >> "$log_directory/db_unique_name_version.log"
echo "$INSTANCE_NAME_INFO" | sed '/^$/d' >> "$log_directory/db_unique_name_version.log"
# Phase 2: Read data from db_unique_name_version.log and file2, and print in file3
while IFS=':' read -r db_name version; do
# Trim leading/trailing whitespaces from version
version=$(echo "$version" | tr -d '[:space:]')
# Determine the Oracle home based on the version
case "$version" in
ORACLE_HOME=$(grep "^19:" "$file2_path" | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')
ORACLE_HOME=$(grep "^12:" "$file2_path" | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')
ORACLE_HOME=$(grep "^11:" "$file2_path" | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')
# Handle any other versions if needed
# Create entry in file3
echo "$db_name: $ORACLE_HOME:N" >> "$log_directory/file3.log"
done < "$log_directory/db_unique_name_version.log"
echo "File3 created with entries based on database information and $file2_name in $log_directory."
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